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Friday, December 28, 2012


As most Bible scholars are well aware, but most churchgoers may not be, the autographs, which were penned by actual Bible writers (Paul, Peter, John, Luke, and so on), or dictated to a scribe by the actual Bible writer, are no longer available. For example Paul would have dictated what was to become 1 and 2 Thessalonians to Silas, his scribe, who would have taken things down in shorthand. Afterward, Silas would have created a rough draft from the dictation notes, at which point, he and Paul would have made corrections. Thereafter, Silas would have made a master-copy, which is known as the originally published work, the official copy, from which other copies would be made. The apostle John  and others, who penned their own original, would create a published version as well, meanin that would not be that much difference between the autograph and the original. These were written on perishable materials that would soon decayor were destroyed by enemies within the first two centuries of the Christian era.

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