Some people insist that there is no need for God and bring up science to 'try' prove there is no God. I say that science doesn't disprove that there is no God but rather proves He is real. How can we know for sure God exists? By getting back to the basics. People tend to speak of science but leave out the basics of it. So I will try to make this as basic as I can.
Frank Turek and Norman Geisler in their book 'I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Athiest' write, "for an argument to be true it has to be logically valid, and its premises must be true."
1. Everything that had a beginning had a cause.
2. The universe had a beginning.
3. Therefore the universe had a cause.
This is a valid argument, but are the premises true? Let's take a look at the premises.
Premises 1 - Everything that had a beginning had a cause - is the Law of Causality, which is the fundamental principle of science. Without the Law of Causality, science is impossible. In other words, science is a search for causes. That's what scientists do - they try to discover what caused what. Even the skeptic David Hume could not deny the Law of Causality. He wrote, "I never asserted so absured a proposition as that something could arise without a cause."
In fact, to deny the Law of Causality is to deny rationality. The very process of rational thinking requires us to put together thoughts (the causes) that result in conclusions (the effects).
Since the Law of Causality is well established and undeniable, premises 1 is true. What about premise 2? Did the universe have a beginning? If not, then no cause was need. If so, then the universe must have had a cause.
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